When I was in my mummy's tummy, I used to have strange movements. Mummy felt like I was having a seizure in her tummy. I was mummy's first baby and so she didn't know whether this was normal or not, although she was quite concerned. She asked her midwife, and the midwife assured her that It was hiccups. Mummy also spoke with other expectant mums and they also said it sounded as if I had hiccups. So mummy put her worries to the back of her head.
I was born on the 9th June 2005. Mummy and Daddy were very happy as I seemed very healthy and had a high
Apgar score. It was only about 4 hours later when I was having a bath, that things got a bit scary.
During my bath, I started to get tense. The midwife noted this and went to call the doctor. While she was away, I started to have a seizure. Mummy was so scared as I had started to turn blue, she immediately pressed the call button and screamed for help. After that I was rushed away to the
Special Care Baby Unit were I was to remain for just over 3 weeks.
I continued to have other seizures, and the doctors had no idea what was wrong with me. I had an EEG,
MRI scan and
lumbar puncture. Samples of blood and urine were taken. Mummy and Daddy were very scared as we though they might lose me. It was only after 2 and a half weeks that a nurse suggested
Hyperekplexia. When they tapped my nose, my arms and legs would flay out to the side (like I was star jumping). Apparently, this nose tap test is one of the ways they diagnose Hyperekplexia. Blood was also taken, and after 4 months the blood result confirmed I had Hyperekplexia.
I was prescribed Clonazapam and sent home after 3 weeks and 1 day. I had an apnoea monitor, and mummy and daddy were taught how to do CPR on me. I continued to have severe seizures for about the first 9 months of my life. Usually baths and going over bumps when out walks in my pram would set them off. Mummy and daddy could bring me out of the seizure by "folding me in half". The doctors had shown then how do do this and it always worked a treat.
I am now 3 and a half. I walked at 18 months, although I am still very unsure on my feet. I fall easily and I still startle. I don't like dogs or traffic noise. I am developmentally slightly behind my peers. The strain of hyperekplexia I have is very rare and the doctors are unsure of how it will affect my future. Mummy and daddy both carry a faulty gene and I got the bad one from each of them, and that is why I am affected by Hyperekplexia. I am a very happy and
loving child. Mummy says I am an angel! I now have a baby sister who does not seem to be affected by Hyperekplexia, although we are awaiting confirmation of this through her
blood test results.